The New Providence Memorial Library offers the following services and resources of particular interest to adults:
- Afterwords Bookstore
- Book Club Resources
- Book Donations
- E-Audiobooks, E-Books, E-Magazines
- E-Book Assistance
- Exam Proctoring
- Interlibrary Loan
- Library Cards
- Meeting Room
- Mobile/Remote Printing
- Movie & TV Streaming
- Museum Passes
- Overlook Hospital Health Totes
- Personalized Takeout
- Photocopier
- Quiet Study Area
- Reading Recommendations
- Reference Assistance
- Scanner (flatbed attached to a PC, scans one image at a time)
- Summer Reading 2024
- Tax Forms
- Wifi
- Windows 10 PCs with Microsoft Office & Internet
The New Providence Memorial Library offers the following programs for adults:
- Batter Up: Let's Talk Baseball
- Book Groups
- Cookbook Club
- Concerts
- Crafts
- English Language Classes
- Movies
- Knit Night
- Play Reading Group
- Silent Book Club
- Summer Reading
- Workshops