Market Research
Reference Solutions
Searchable directories, including US Consumers, US New Movers, and US Businesses, will help you find potential customers as well as information about competitors. See how your business' location has fared since 1997 with US Historical Businesses. Formerly known as ReferenceUSA, this product is from Data Axle.
Journals & Newspapers
Business Source Elite
Articles from top business, management, and economics journals and periodicals, in full text, including Harvard Business Review.
Regional Business News
Articles from regional business newspapers, including njbiz and Crains' New York Business.
Small Business Source
A comprehensive resource for small business owners and those starting a business. Full text of top consumer small business reference books, including forms published by NOLO, and a section on business startup resources that is browsable by state.
Wall Street Journal
You will be prompted to enter your 14-digit library card barcode number and your PIN. Then you will need to sign up for a account, or log into an existing account. When your three days are up, come back to this link and then sign into again.
Grow with Google
Free courses for small businesses and startups.
LinkedIn Learning
On demand video-based courses on business, marketing and career development. Log in with your library card barcode number and PIN (the last four digits of your library card barcode).
Small Business Administration Learning Center
Free courses for those planning, launching, managing or growing their small business.
Legal Resources
Legal Information Source
Legal forms and the full text of consumer legal guides. The "Business and Corporations" category includes Business Accounting & Audits, Consulting & Contracting, Human Resources, Ownership Structures, and Starting a Business.
New Jersey Department of Labor Employer Handbook
An employer's guide to New Jersey's unemployment, disability, and workforce development programs.
New Jersey Division of Taxation - Starting a Business in New Jersey
Learn about business registration, taxes and fees for businesses in New Jersey.
New Jersey Business Portal
A portal with information for starting and operating a business in New Jersey from the NJ Department of State.
Rutgers Community and Transactional Lawyering Clinic
The clinic provides corporate and transactional legal services to New Jersey nonprofit corporations (specifically those corporations that provide services geared to the needs of lower-income people in the City of Newark and nearby urban areas), start-up for-profit businesses and microenterprises, charter schools, and individuals such as artists and inventors.
Union County Bar Association
Union County Bar Association offers a lawyer referral service. The initial consultation is an inexpensive way of seeing whether a lawyer is a good fit for you. For the referral service's phone number and hours, scroll to the bottom of the page.
Local Organizations
America's Small Business Development Center at Kean University
Serving small business owners in Union County since 1988. Educational and business resources are available to counsel and train small business owners to finance, market and manage their companies. Industry Starter Kits
Explore starter kits for New Jersey’s most common business types: restaurants and caterers, auto body repair shops, food trucks, home health aides, home contractors, non-medical transport, employment agencies, online businesses.
New Providence Business Resources
Learn about doing business in New Providence, join the New Providence Business Community, search the New Providence Businesses & Services Directory, or learn how to start a business in New Jersey.
New Jersey Business & Industry Association
Resources available to non-members include the Manufacturing Marketplace and NJ Business Magazine.
New Jersey State Library
Research guides prepared by the state library's business and funding librarian include: Business & Company Research, Grant Information, Nonprofit Management, Scholarships & Grants for Education, Small Business Entrepreneurship.
Free mentoring and webinars are available from the nation’s largest network of volunteer, expert business mentors.
Suburban Chamber of Commerce
The local chamber of commerce for Berkeley Heights, New Providence and Summit provides networking events for members and publishes The Collection, a free magazine delivered to all local households.
Since 1977, a private nonprofit economic development corporation helping small businesses in New Jersey by making loans, training and mentoring business owners, helping businesses obtain government contracts, and providing Union County business reports.
Women's Center for Entrepreneurship Corp
As a resource partner for the U.S. Small Business Administration, the Women’s Center for Entrepreneurship Corp. (WCEC)’s mission is to empower women to invest in themselves via entrepreneurship by providing necessary resources for women to successfully start, own, operate, & grow their businesses. The WCEC works with women and BIPOC-owned businesses at the start up stage and existing small businesses looking to scale up by providing educational resources, business counseling, and technical assistance.